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It would be great that if during the end screen you could still press z to meow (softly though)


This game made me cry. Thank you so much. Beautiful. 10/10


Beautiful <3


After finishing the game I leave the tab open for the background music and the purr. It's beautiful


how do i get past the living room?


This is just beautiful!


ten outta ten


Thank you for making this game. I'm sick the past week and motivation is something I've struggled with for the past few months and this really hit home for me. I had a good cry over the beauty of this game.

Would love to see this expanded. Keep it up! :)


I really hope you expand on this game with longer missions as well as different pets that each have different ways of helping. Id buy a game like that 100%


My gf feels the same for our cat <3 we love this so much


I Love It. Thank you!


Just wanted to say “thank you”, it’s truly one of the shortest, yet the most beautiful experiences of a game <3 If you’d be able to share executable for it, this would be amazing, I’m always afraid of web-only games (Flash games history)




This was bautiful.


I did not expect to cry, but the waterworks came. Oh man. Simple yet beautiful concept. Please do the world a favor and keep making games and experiences like this. 


Amazing game. Nearly cried. Thank you


Beautiful Game ❤  my #1


I love this game, it made my day 10 times better


its so cute <3


its sooooo cute and good
thanks for making such a good experience


Deeply compassionate game... a testament to the power of video games as art. From someone with long-term struggles with this kind of thing, gave me one of the most cathartic big cries I've had in a long time. Really beautiful - keep it up!


Thank you. Love <3


no matter what I do I can't get the human to leave the first room, I've tried restarting the game, doing the X button on the human and on the black side of the screen but nothing works. I'm not spamming the button either

Did you make sure to interact with/scratch each of the objects in the first room?

(1 edit) (+1)

Same question.I did everything in the first room,but he just moves a few pixels near the bed when i try to make him move to the bathroom.No matter how close does the guy stand to the bath he will eventually just go back to the bed

Copied from above, just to make sure you see this too--Just as a bit of troubleshooting - in the first room you must [in no particular order]: open the curtains, clean up the trash, and clean up the laundry before you can unlock the next room, at which point you must then headbutt the human to get them to transition to the next space. Can you confirm if doing all of these things still glitches? We'll keep an eye out if so and see if we can nail down the bug. 


Thank  you!For some reason the headbut didn't target the human at first(also i thought you needed to headbut the bath and not the guy).I tried headbutting more and then it worked.Thanks for the advice.

Glad to hear it! Yeah, we wanted to include more tutorialization and to tweak the controls a bit, but we were pressed for time ;v; maybe we'll be able to polish it up a bit more in the future!

Just as a bit of troubleshooting - in the first room you must [in no particular order]: open the curtains, clean up the trash, and clean up the laundry before you can unlock the next room, at which point you must then headbutt the human to get them to transition to the next space. Can you confirm if doing all of these things still glitches? We'll keep an eye out if so and see if we can nail down the bug. 


Uuugh, this game hit me SO HARD. It reminds me of my cat, Maya. She basically did the same thing for me when I was in a REALLY dark place, once upon a time. She sensed something was wrong in the middle of the night, came to my bedroom door, scratched a bunch, and started meowing incessantly. When I opened it up, she went quiet, which is odd for her, since she's usually really talkative. 

But I have NEVER seen her be so affectionate and loving before or since.  She gave me something to focus on, something to take my mind off the troubles. She came to me when I wouldn't go to anyone else. And she saved my life. 

This little gem of a game reminded me of that night. You made something incredibly beautiful here, and something deeply meaningful to me personally, no matter how short it is. 

Thank you for making this. Sincerely.


Aww thank you for the kind words. I’m glad the game was able to connect with you on that level :’)

(2 edits) (+4)

this game was really sweet and meaningful, even if it was short

(1 edit) (+3)

A very short game yet when I reached the end I had tears in my eyes. This is so beautiful, and it means a lot to me. Thank you for making it.


ughhhhhhhhh I love it. sending you many meows of thanks and encouragement


Not many thigns made me cry, this did.

(2 edits) (+3)

This is beautiful. I love the message behind the game. Thank you for making this.


Wish I could convey how important this is to me, thank you so much.


This sure did impact me much more than anticipated… Thank you for making this, it hit far too close to home 


I have never seen a piece of content that has made me cry this hard this quickly. I saw this in the video of the winners and cried so hard when I understood what this was. You all have made something really special. This hits so close to home and is a two minute masterpiece. Thank you for making this.


Thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot!




This is the most touching and sweetest game i've ever played, and it lasted - and only needed to last - about 2 minutes.

Thank You for making it!


This game reminds me a lot of the song Plea from a Cat Named Virtute by The Weakerthans. We’re you inspired by that song or is their similarity just a coincidence?


complete coincidence! I will look that song up tonight, though!


That was wonderful and touching <3


Thanks for making this game.

(1 edit) (+3)

So cute,  I literally cried


This is so cute! Great idea and wonderful execution! I'd play this more if it was longer :D


Great idea and presentation! very cute!


thank you!


 I couldn't find how you exit the room with the lamp, am I missing something?

Very creative. I really enjoyed the game though.


Nope, that's the end of the game! you have to jump on the couch and paw at it to encourage the human to sit down and pet you, which triggers the end screen. Figured it might be a little confusing since the couch doesn't light up like the other triggers do, good to know that's not immediately clear and needs to be tweaked. Thank you for playing!

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