Left/Right: Move
Up: Jump

Z: Meow (encourage your human)
X: Headbutt (scoot your human to the next room)
C: Paw (alert your human to a task)


- Spamming actions such as meow or headbutt can cause progression to become locked
- Right clicking causes player to move in an unintended manner


“Some days are harder than others. In this game, you are a pet cat, helping motivate your human to clean up their space and take care of themselves just as they’ve taken care of you all your life.”


  • interact with your environment to remind your human what they need to do
  • gently headbutt them to encourage them to move from room to room
  • meow button
  • you can pet the cat

Made in 48hrs for the GMTK2021 - Roles Reversed

Made by:
Hexephre -
MikeOK -
Rowan Pippin -
Aquanoctis -

Additional Resources Used:
Music:  'Ludum_Dare_32___Track_2' by Abstraction Ludum_Dare_32___Track_2

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(188 total ratings)
Made withGameMaker


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I'm not crying I got tears stuck in my eye

Such a cute game

What a beautiful cat is this loved it

the best game i have ever seen


It's beautiful. I cried. So much love.


I cried so hard it looked like I had been stood in the rain. Great game, definetely deserves top 20


Me colorpicking all the colors in this game as fast as possible since they're so good(I have a large collection of colors I found everywhere)


it’s so cute it’s so fucking cute. i cri.


Really cool game about overcoming bad feelings with the power of meows and headbumps.



Wanted to purr early after seeing human fill food bowl. Cutest headbutts ever seen in a game. Very motivating image of kitty gentle headbutts going "Go~! Do the thing!"

Happy Kitty.


cute and wholesome... T0T


this is so cute i almost cried


Random Scuffed Games #96

Vorgeschlagen von: Beatdown_TV

wirklich sehr kurzes Game, ziemlich süß - nicht sehr schwer und wer Katzen liebt und depressionen hat, könnte das vielleicht sogar mögen und sich damit identifizieren. Ansonsten kann man nicht wirklich viel machen. Es ist eine sehr kurze süße non-verbale Geschichte und versüßt einem etwas den Tag. Visuell recht hübsch, aber insgesamt für mich jetzt nichts krass besonderes.


Dito: 3/5

Chat: 4/5

Gesamt: 3.5/5


it is so relaxing and so adorable . i liked it very much great game man .


this is a masterpiece I loved it and it was so adorable please continue making such amazing games.


this was really sweet :) I really liked it!!

(1 edit) (+4)

ngl I cried a bit TT


Simple and beautiful, love it!


cute and very wholesome, almost made me cry.


I did cry


So cute. Wonderful cat experience. I love this so much.


Beautiful game. I could see this being expanded upon as an idea! The gameplay brought tears to my eyes and reminded me of my cat Henry who carried me through high school depression; he passed away my senior year of college at almost 19 years old, but even in his old age he loved headbutting me and trying his best to purr like this as an old mainecoon. :')


I beat the game then read the rest of the description

And I saw something about pressing right click

so I tried holding right click

And I was not disappointed

It was quite goofy


made me cry




Best game in the jam in my opinion.  A lot of them are "What if you were bad instead of good?" but this one is having the player be good in a very different way.  Good job!


10/10. This game is the best one yet! Please make more updates for different modes and stuff. Thank you for bringing hippieness to me!


This is really cute are you going to make more games


Oh wow, this game was so calming and serene. I absolutely loved it. It would be great to see this become a bigger game, honestly. It's so brilliant and just... ugh. I love everything about it. <3


the scrreen turns black when i headbutt


Congrats on making top 20 in the GMTK Jam! I wanted to reach out to ask if anyone on the dev team would be interested in participating in an interview about your experience during the jam? Interviews are conducted over Discord and presented live on Twitch.


Hey, thanks for getting in touch. Sure! Sounds good to me, can you DM me on twitter and we can chat more? (@aquanoctis)


It's so beautiful, I'd like a postjam version please.


No one should be depressed. Thanks for reminding us that every day is a miracle and that we can count on our best friends, being other people or animals, it's the same. 


so cute :)


so cute


Shines a light on the beauty of having a little companion, just someone to keep us hopeful in the midst of darkness


So cute :,) Great game. Congrats!


Man, the headbutting took me a long time to figure out haha.

Once I figured it out tho, that was an extremely charming and cute game ^^




Amazing! 10/10

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